Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We have a swimmer!

Well, the rain is gone.. at least for now. The wind is picking up and the forecast is calling for rain the rest of the day so we shall see. We had our swimming lesson last night, it went well and was a lot of fun. There are 5 other kids in our class. We started pouring water on him with a bucket to get him used to the water, which was no problem for him. Then we got in and tried to teach him how to blow bubbles but he wasn't really into it.  He kept getting water in his mouth and screaming "nasty" at the top of his lungs! He was by far the loudest and most excited kid there ?:)
Then he had to either kick or move his arms to get some toys that were floating around. He kicked a few times and got 3 toys. We worked on floating on his back and his belly, he was pretty good at that. We floated a lot last summer. Then we did the swimming version of "Wheels on the Bus", when it got to the part where "baby goes up and down" she said we could dunk them under, so of course we did, twice. He was surprised but didn't fuss at all. Overall we think he did really good and can't wait to go back next week! 
Kaden now has an official play room. He had toys in about 3 rooms so we moved everything out of our dining room and now all of his toys are in one place. Of course, he only plays in there when I am not doing something he would rather do but I think he will learn to like it. 
Rachel is supposed to have a game tonight but I am not sure if it rains all afternoon. Hope all is well with you all!


The Glass Family

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