Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Hello all,
We are so tired of this rain!! Poor Kaden doesn't understand, we played outside Friday and Saturday in beautiful weather and now rain! We had a wonderful weekend! We started playing outside Saturday at 9:30 and came in at 6!!! It was so much fun! Kaden already has scraped knees and legs from playing so hard. He helped Ken wash the car, played with Mimi and Poppie, we even enjoyed snow cones we made with my snow cone maker I won at Bunco last year! Sunday we had Sunday school then went out for lunch for Ken's Mom's birthday, it was fun. Kaden got pumped up on sugar thanks for his Aunts! :) We all came home and crashed the rest of the day. Rachel's game yesterday and today got canceled but so far Kaden's swimming lessons are still on! Ken will get to go too so hopefully I can get some pictures. It will be our first lesson! Here are some pictures from our lovely day outside Saturday, notice how Kaden gets wetter and wetter with each car washing picture!


The Glass Family

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