Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ready for the Easter Bunny!

Hi All,

So I have to take a second to brag about my smart little guy. The last 3 times he has went to sleep he has came up to me, taken my hand and said night-night and then taken me to the bottom of the stairs and pulled at the gate and said night-night. He lays right down and goes off to sleep. Awe!!! My baby is growing up so fast! I know what your thinking, time for #2... not on the way and not in the works! I am taking him back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon, his rash around his mouth is still there. We are seeing our favorite, Dr. Hood, we love her. I do not like the guy we had to see last time. Kaden's allergies must be flaring up again, he is coughing a bit especially when he lays down, last night he coughed a lot. Ken finally got up and dosed him for some Benadryl- it seemed to help. Rachel won her game tonight, it was the closest game they have had and she did get scored on but at least they won. Our house is filled with teenage hormones, so please pray for her and Ken (Kaden and I too) they seem to be at each others throats a lot. Some of the things she says to him... but we are told this is a phase they all go thru! I realized earlier tonight that we hadn't taken Kaden to get his picture made with the Easter Bunny yet, so I am going to take him after his appointment tomorrow. I can't believe it almost slipped by me!


The Glass Family

* Since we are talking about Easter- here is a picture of us from last year, my how we have changed!

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