Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to School!!

Hi All,

So much has happened since I last blogged. I will try and hit most of the important things. One day last week we bought Kaden a potty to get him used to and he went pee pee in his 2nd attempt!!!! I was so happy! But needless to say he was not went since. We are not being aggressive about it at this point just asking him every now and then if he wants to go. He usually says yes and will sit down, get up run around, sit down... you get the drift! He has suckers waiting for him if he ever uses it again! We will see what Dr. Hood says at our 2 year check up about when we need to get really going.
Well school started last Wednesday, we can't believe Rachel is in 8th grade!! She didn't get on a "team" with a lot of her friends but I think he likes all of her teachers pretty well. She did get all advanced classes this year so we were really proud of that.
Last Sunday our cousins, Trey and Griffin, came to spend the night. Kaden loves them and they love to play with him. Monday morning, I took them and Rachel to see the Cincinnati Bengals at training camp in Georgetown. It was really cool to see a NFL team practice and up close and personal. We got lots of great pics and some autographs too!
Well I few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to have a yard sale... wow what a lot of work it was! We had it this past Friday and Saturday. Ashton really helped me soooo much! Candy and my neighbor, Tami brought stuff to sell as well. Ken and I ended up making close to $400 dollars! Not too shabby for getting rid of a lot of junk!! We sold our trampoline and are hoping to get a pool soon! We have one that is being given to us, we just have to move it and get it put in! Thanks Candy and Thomas!!!! Kaden loves all the goodies his late cousin Thomas gives him! Too bad they never got to meet!
Well now it's Sunday and tomorrow we are all back to work and school. We are getting geared up for Kaden's 2nd birthday in a few weeks and for football season! Kaden is perfecting his "Go Cats" and his touchdown signal!!! Here are a few new pictures of potty time, the 1st Day of school and the Bengals camp! Oh and Kaden's 1st painting experience too! Enjoy!


The Glass Family

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rainy Day....

Hello All,

We hope you are all safe and sound after the crazy rounds of storms today. I think Louisville got hit pretty hard! We were stuck inside all day and it went great. Kaden slept through the strongest storms, that kid could sleep through anything! We just finished eating pizza and he managed to eat a piece and a half! He loves pisza!
Last weekend we went to my grandparents in Campbellsville to celebrate my Granny's retirement. We had a blast! I think she was quite surprised! I will attach pics. We hope she will be able to come and visit us more now.
I can't believe school starts next week, the summer has flown by. Rachel finds out her classes tomorrow night. Hopefully she gets on the "Team" with some of her friends.
Kaden will be 23 months old tomorrow, I can't believe it. Ken and I were just talking about how old he is getting and how he has grown so fast! I have been making a list of words he can say for his 2 year old page in his baby book, and he can say close to 100!!! Some of my favorites are of course Mommy, but also Bless Ya, Please, hi, hey, miss you... I could go on and on! He did hear it thundering earlier looked at me and said, "Choo Choo"?! We will be planning his party soon!
We have a busy weekend planned. Ken has to work :( and Rachel will be at her Mom's but Kaden and I have a lot planned. Saturday morning we are going to Mt. Washington and I am going to attempt to plan in my Alumni Soccer game, then we may get to see Maggie play golf in Shelbyville, then back home for our cul-de-sac cook out! Sunday we are hopefully going to see our cousins Trey and Griffin play baseball in Frankfort. They may come back to our house and stay with us, we hope so!
I am attempting to have my first yard sale the 15th so I have been cleaning out things. We have too much junk.. enough to fill up a storage unit. We are hoping to clean it out and save the money. We are selling a trampoline, treadmill, home gym and really whatever else I can find!
Hope all is well with you and yours!


The Glass Family

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New pictures...

Daddy and Kaden watching Movers before bed (taken literally 5 min. ago!)
Ken at his party with his cake!
Spilling Gatorade all over himself!
After a round of golf!

Happy Birthday Ken!!

Hi All,

So, I am not doing as good as I hoped on updating more often... give me time!! LOL Today is Ken's 33rd birthday. He had to work tonight so we celebrated with breakfast and presents this morning. He is off tomorrow so I think we may celebrate with Chuck E. Cheese! We had a cook out for last Saturday, we had lots of great friends there he had a great time. Rachel is volunteering at a local church's VBS this week, she is really enjoying it. She is working in the games part. She gets her braces off tomorrow, she is so excited! I will try and post a pic of her new, improved smile! Kaden is as wild as ever. He learned pizza and picture today. He says picture when he sees a camera!! He is learning more and more everyday! I am not sure if I had mentioned before but Ashton has moved in with us. She has been here since Sunday, and we are loving it! She is living here temporarily while she starts Grad School in the Fall. Kaden especially is loving it. As most of you know, Ashie is one of his favorite people!!! He doesn't leave her alone!!! It is so nice having her here.. we haven't lived under the same roof in almost 10 years... fun times already!!! Hope all is well with you and yours. Here are some pictures and a video I took earlier of Rachel and Kaden playing "I getcha!!!" make sure your volume is turned up!


The Glass Family

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ist Trip to the Barber!

Here are some pics from Kaden's first trip to the barbershop with Daddy!

Sweet Summertime pics!

Kaden's 1st pair of cowboy boots!
Playing with Levi!
Ashton and I on the 4th

More new pics...

Eating an icecream drumstick!

A precious, messy face after the icecream!
At Chuck E. Cheese with Cousin Camdyn
Slippin -n-a-Slidin at Levi's house!
Telling secrets with his best bud, Levi!

South Dakota

Here are some pics from our SD trip!

Back to blogging....

Hello all!

Long time no update I know!!! This summer has flown by and it seems like we have been so busy but when I stop to think about it I can't really think of a lot we have done. South Dakota was great! Ken has been working a lot so Kaden and I just hang out and play outside and such. He is maddening at times... full fledged terrible 2's have set in! He actually just got out of time out for not sitting down when he was brushing his teeth!!! He has been in time out twice in the last couple days and has actually sat there! 2 minutes as Super Nanny says, 1 minute for each year old. So I add a tiny bit!! I can't believe he will be 2 in less that 2 months! I was just folding his preemie clothes for a friend and I can't believe how tiny he was... that seems so long ago. Even though he tests my nerves, he is cuter and sweeter by the day as well. It amazes me to see the things he learns on a daily basis. Hearing him talk melts my heart! He regularly says please and thank you and an occasional your welcome and sorry!! Rachel has been in and out, spending time at her Mom's as well. She has a nice break from soccer, we are all enjoying that. Ken is playing on an Adult Team and scoring tons of goals!! He is about to celebrate a birthday in a couple weeks. I am great, just staying busy keeping up with everyone. I have starting selling Mary Kay, mostly to family and friends nothing too serious. I have also started playing golf and I love it!! It is great to get outside and be relaxed! I am going to post several pages of recent pictures since I have not updated in a while. I am going to try and post a video I took of Kaden 2 days ago, he loves cookies... just watch and see. Make sure your volume is turned up! Enjoy! Hope you all are having a fabulous summer!


The Glass Family

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Almost a month!!!

Hello all!

I bet you all thought I was giving up on blogging... NO! Just been sooo busy. With the end of school and start of summer things have been crazy. I have also picked up a new game on Facebook that takes a lot of my time. It's called Farm Town, you create and run your own farm, plant crops, harvest, replant and move up to certain levels to buy things and such. It really fun. A lot of my family and friends are on it to and we can interact with each other. So I have to admit most all of my 'free time' has been used farming!  Anyway, school was finally out June 5 and Rachel is gone to her Mom's for almost 2 weeks.  Her soccer team ended up winning the state tournament and qualifying for regionals in Sioux Falls, South Dakota!!! It is a major accomplishment for the girls and a privilege to represent their state! We leave Friday, June 19th! It is a very unexpected but welcomed trip for us to take. We should get to see Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands and lots of cool things like that. We have decided that Kaden will stay with my parents and sisters. I have such mixed emotions about leaving for him so long ( probably 6 days!) but I think it will be better for him to stay home and stay on his normal routine. He isn't one to get off course! It is a 15 hour day and lots of the things we plan to do will be more enjoyable for everyone if he stays home. He won't miss us near as much as we will miss him! He loves staying at Mimi and Poppie's- and we are glad! With our cross country trip approaching we got a new car!! Well, not really because of the trip, we have been talking about trading in our sequoia for a while now. We have had some problems with it and had a really large car payment so we have been looking for a bit! Yesterday we got a ,wait for it....... a mini van!!!! Yes, yes we did! We don't actually have it yet, but should get it tomorrow. For our family, and lifestyle it just seemed to really fit- plus we got a brand new, loaded van and are saving $170 a month! No, no the purchase of a mini van does NOT mean there are more babies on the horizon.  Well, I promise to update more often. With it being summertime, we are outside so much more and my time is limited. Hope all is well with you and yours! Here are some recent pics of the kids enjoying SUMMER!!


The Glass Family

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just catching up!

WOW, it was been a while since I have blogged! Things got crazy. Kaden was sick, better, sick, better, sick and is now better for good we hope! I ended up getting a sinus infection too then we had Ashton's graduation, Mothers Day-lots of fun events. I helped throw my cousin, Candy a Baby Shower yesterday and that was a lot of fun. Mimi came and visited afterwards, we hope she feels better soon. Today, we all just took it easy and enjoyed having nothing planned. It was a bit cool but we still played outside a bit. Kaden managed to eat a spider earlier, man we gotta get the spider guy out to spray! School is almost out, Rachel has until June 5th... we can't wait for summer time. We went and got Kaden's pool out of storage tonight, I think we are supposed to have some 80+ days this week. Not much else new to report. Papaw G. is coming for a visit tomorrow, that should be nice we haven't seen him since Christmas. Hopefully we have good weather so we can play outside! Hope all is well with you all! 


The Glass Family

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back to the doctor...

Hi all,

Yes, Kaden was back that the doctor yesterday. He woke up with a red rash and welps all over him. I called the doctor and they couldn't see him until 4:30 and advised me to give him Benadryl. I gave him the medicine and of course most of the places went away. We couldn't decide whether we should take him in and take the chance of getting sicker with all the sick kiddos there. About 3:30 I noticed he had started to break out again, off to the pediatrician we went. By the time we got there and stripped him down he was covered. Sure enough it was a drug allergy as we suspected and he is now on Benadryl around the clock until they are gone for 24 hours.  The good news is that the ears are all cleared  so no more antibiotics. We has to miss swimming lessons because the pool is too hot and heat makes them spread. When I got him home, he was red with whelps from head to toe! I gave him some benadryl and they went back in. He slept well and it doing fine today. As long as we keep the benadryl in him he is fine!


The Glass Family

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A quick update..

Happy Sunday all,

Just have a brief second to update you all. Kaden is feeling much better. He is back to playing and running around a lot. He isn't quite up to full speed yet and is still running a fever at times. His poor nose is raw from us wiping it so much. He has gotten a visit from Mimi, Poppie, Maggie, and Ashton, 3 new toys, and pretty much whatever whenever he was wanted to eat out of this sickness so I would say he is doing pretty good! He still isn't sleep great yet, lots of coughing. He kept Daddy up for 3 hours in the middle of the night last night- THANKS DADDY for letting Mommy sleep. When we take his temp and the thermometer beeps he says ALL GONE! He has been a pretty sick boy, this one got him good but he is on the mend!! 


The Glass Family

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A sick boy...

Hi All,

Just had a second to post, as you can tell by the title Kaden is sick. He started a couple days ago with a cough and runny nose. We summed it up to allergies. Yesterday afternoon he started running a low fever and by today he was coughing constantly, had green goop coming from his eyes and nose, and his fever was higher. We took a trip to see Dr. Hood and the verdict is a double ear infection!! :( He is pretty pitiful, fussy, and just miserable. He won't eat but is drinking so that is good. Here are some pictures I took of him earlier today watching Movers... that is all he did, just laid there and watched! 

On a good note, Rachel's middle school team ended their regular season last night... undefeated! They will play in the conference tournament next week.


The Glass Family

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's been 3 years!!!

Hi all,

Ken and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary yesterday.. we had a great day! We kicked it off with a gyno appt... what a way to celebrate!! We then had lunch at Ken's favorite BW3's, and then Ken took me shopping- can't make me much happier! :) We shopped and shopped, it was a great time. Kaden spent the day with Aunt DeDe. We came home and went to Rachel's game, they won . One last game of the regular season is tomorrow night. Hopefully they stay undefeated! After her game Ashton came out to keep the kids while Ken and I had a late dinner- it was a great cap to a wonderful day! 
Swimming lessons Monday went great. He really loves them. He even jumped in from the side  to me from the side several times! Again, he was the loudest kiddie there. Rachel went with us and I think he kept her in stitches with his antics! We tried on life jackets and he loved just floating around. Here are some picures.

Hope all is well with you and yours!


The Glass Family

Monday, April 27, 2009

Beautiful Weather

Hi all!

As you can tell by my lack of posting we have been out and about enjoying the beautiful weather. Here is a quick run down of our weekend... Friday night Kaden and I headed to Mt. Washington, he stayed with Mimi and Poppie and I went out to dinner with my girlfriends. We had a great time and got to catch up and play with new baby Bryce!  Ken and Rachel headed to Cincinnati for a soccer tournament. Ken stayed up there with her Friday night and Saturday. They played 2 games and lost them both. :( Kaden and I stayed at my parents Friday night and we all headed back to Lexington Sat. morning for UK's Blue/White game. On our way there, traffic was terrible and we got rear ended but everyone was fine except a little soreness and we went on our way to the game. It was Kaden's first time at Commonwealth Stadium and for it being so hot and not really anyplace to run around he did pretty well. We stayed until halftime and then headed to lunch and shopping. Ken was home when we got home so we played outside a bit and then called it a night. Sunday I had Sunday school then went into Lexington to run some errands. When I got back we had lunch and then played outside all day. All of our cul-de-sac friends were out so we had a blast. Kaden swam in the baby pool and played in the water hose. We can't keep him inside or out of the water! We have our 2nd swimming lesson tonight, we can't wait. Kaden is napping now and then we are headed to get him a hair cut, his hair grows so fast. Rachel has 2 games this week, the last week of regular season soccer for her middle school team. They are still undefeated! We have played outside all morning and have been on 2 walks already. I can tell this summer is going to be lots of fun in the sun!! Hope all is well and you are all enjoying this weather- I know we are!


The Glass Family

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ballet Time?

                                                               Watch this move Mom....
                                                                 I twist, I turn....
                                                            Ta Da!! Perfect 10--YAY!

So Ken took Kaden to Rachel's game the other night to give me a break. Since he was cold outside, he layered his clothes. These are some pictures I took after they got home and Kaden was prancing around.. we think he looks like a male ballerina!

Kaden in his new playroom....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We have a swimmer!

Well, the rain is gone.. at least for now. The wind is picking up and the forecast is calling for rain the rest of the day so we shall see. We had our swimming lesson last night, it went well and was a lot of fun. There are 5 other kids in our class. We started pouring water on him with a bucket to get him used to the water, which was no problem for him. Then we got in and tried to teach him how to blow bubbles but he wasn't really into it.  He kept getting water in his mouth and screaming "nasty" at the top of his lungs! He was by far the loudest and most excited kid there ?:)
Then he had to either kick or move his arms to get some toys that were floating around. He kicked a few times and got 3 toys. We worked on floating on his back and his belly, he was pretty good at that. We floated a lot last summer. Then we did the swimming version of "Wheels on the Bus", when it got to the part where "baby goes up and down" she said we could dunk them under, so of course we did, twice. He was surprised but didn't fuss at all. Overall we think he did really good and can't wait to go back next week! 
Kaden now has an official play room. He had toys in about 3 rooms so we moved everything out of our dining room and now all of his toys are in one place. Of course, he only plays in there when I am not doing something he would rather do but I think he will learn to like it. 
Rachel is supposed to have a game tonight but I am not sure if it rains all afternoon. Hope all is well with you all!


The Glass Family

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Hello all,
We are so tired of this rain!! Poor Kaden doesn't understand, we played outside Friday and Saturday in beautiful weather and now rain! We had a wonderful weekend! We started playing outside Saturday at 9:30 and came in at 6!!! It was so much fun! Kaden already has scraped knees and legs from playing so hard. He helped Ken wash the car, played with Mimi and Poppie, we even enjoyed snow cones we made with my snow cone maker I won at Bunco last year! Sunday we had Sunday school then went out for lunch for Ken's Mom's birthday, it was fun. Kaden got pumped up on sugar thanks for his Aunts! :) We all came home and crashed the rest of the day. Rachel's game yesterday and today got canceled but so far Kaden's swimming lessons are still on! Ken will get to go too so hopefully I can get some pictures. It will be our first lesson! Here are some pictures from our lovely day outside Saturday, notice how Kaden gets wetter and wetter with each car washing picture!


The Glass Family