Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back to the doctor...

Hi all,

Yes, Kaden was back that the doctor yesterday. He woke up with a red rash and welps all over him. I called the doctor and they couldn't see him until 4:30 and advised me to give him Benadryl. I gave him the medicine and of course most of the places went away. We couldn't decide whether we should take him in and take the chance of getting sicker with all the sick kiddos there. About 3:30 I noticed he had started to break out again, off to the pediatrician we went. By the time we got there and stripped him down he was covered. Sure enough it was a drug allergy as we suspected and he is now on Benadryl around the clock until they are gone for 24 hours.  The good news is that the ears are all cleared  so no more antibiotics. We has to miss swimming lessons because the pool is too hot and heat makes them spread. When I got him home, he was red with whelps from head to toe! I gave him some benadryl and they went back in. He slept well and it doing fine today. As long as we keep the benadryl in him he is fine!


The Glass Family

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