Sunday, May 3, 2009

A quick update..

Happy Sunday all,

Just have a brief second to update you all. Kaden is feeling much better. He is back to playing and running around a lot. He isn't quite up to full speed yet and is still running a fever at times. His poor nose is raw from us wiping it so much. He has gotten a visit from Mimi, Poppie, Maggie, and Ashton, 3 new toys, and pretty much whatever whenever he was wanted to eat out of this sickness so I would say he is doing pretty good! He still isn't sleep great yet, lots of coughing. He kept Daddy up for 3 hours in the middle of the night last night- THANKS DADDY for letting Mommy sleep. When we take his temp and the thermometer beeps he says ALL GONE! He has been a pretty sick boy, this one got him good but he is on the mend!! 


The Glass Family

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