Monday, February 9, 2009


Hi all!!

What an exciting weekend!! Kaden finally took his first steps!! He apparently just let go and started after Maggie and some of her friends taking about 5 steps and stopping before Ken stopped him because I wasn't there and he knew I would be upset if I missed it. I have trained him well!! He had been taking a step or so and landing on the couch so I am ok with missing it, I was giving a friend a baby shower it could not be helped. But now he is up to about 10-12 steps before he falls on his bottom and starts scooting! Most people have told us in a few days he will be going everywhere and that is when the real fun starts!! Friday, we went to Rachel's indoor game and they finally won and then Ken and I had a date night. It was really nice and Kaden was home safe with Katie. Saturday we had a busy day. We went to Bullitt Co. to see Maggie and her team win their freshman tourney, then I headed to Brandi's shower, then we came back home got Rachel and went to our niece Amber's basketball game, then to dinner with the family. It was really good to see Amber play, we don't get to see her very often. It was cool seeing the #10 team in the state play! Sunday we just enjoyed the weather and played outside all day! I got home from Sunday school and we ate lunch and went outside. Levi ( Kaden's best friend) was outside with his Mommy and Daddy so the boys just played and played. We would walk, play in the grass, the dirt, the wagon and start all over again. When we brought Kaden in for a nap we had to strip him down to a diaper he was that dirty. He had a ball playing in the landscape! Ken and I were able to wash both cars while he napped- it was a great day. We are ready for spring that is for sure! I took a lot of pictures but left my camera at my Mom's so I will have to send them soon. I think that is all for now, hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the weather!


The Glass Family

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