Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Hello all!

Just wanted to send a quick update and tell everyone Happy Valentines Day! Nothing much new with us, I had my allergy tests yesterday to hopefully get rid of all this funk I have going on. So I am allergic to house dust (must need a maid, huh?), dust mites, dogs, horses, and about every kind of tree pollen out there. So basically I will start on some shots, got some new allergy meds, and will continue my nasal steroid and do lots more laundry and vacuuming ... I am off to the dry cleaners now to get our comforter cleaned . He gave me some things to change in our bedroom since that is where most of the dust mites are and I spend most of my time, so hopefully it will all help. We are staying in tonight, Ken is cooking me dinner. So if you don't hear from me for a few days, call the Poison Control!! Just kidding! We gave the kids there Valentines this morning- Rachel got a season the the show Gilmore Girls and Kaden got a new dump truck with blocks he loved it. He was pushing it around going vroom, vroom!  Enjoy the day and have a great weekend!


The Glass Family

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