Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Finally checking in.....

Ok, so I have been told that I need to post more often and since today is Ash Wednesday and starts Lent one of my things I am going to do is to make a point to post more often. I would like to say I will post daily but realistically that won't happen but I am going to give it shot at doing it more often. I am so glad people like reading about what's going on with us. So I am also going to make it a point to do my Bible Study everyday and not let myself get days behind and to read my little black book about the Lenten journey we got at church and to make all this happen I am giving up getting on my Myspace and Facebook pages! I have already found today I have a lot more time to get stuff done during nap time! Ken is giving up Skoal I believe ( I hope!) and Rachel says she is giving up chocolate. We suggested she give up TV and she said there was NO WAY she could do that (hence the point!). So we have been doing great. Ken just left for his first day at his new store. He has moved to the Walgreens on the West side of Frankfort. A busier store and a bit longer of a drive bit the hours there just seem to be a better fit for our family. Please pray that it will go well for him. He hated leaving his co -workers and patients he has became attached for the last 2 years. Kaden is just as jolly as ever, walking and talking all the time. He has a bit of a cold right now, so he has been a but crabby the last few days. He likes to take all of my Tupperware out of the cabinet, arrange them like he wants, and then puts them all back. He can now point to his eye, teeth, and sometimes ear and nose. He gets nose confused with NO! I will say where's your nose and he will say NO NO!! I can't believe it is going to be 18 months next Thursday, he will have a check up next Friday. I can't wait to see how he has grown since 15 months! We are going to Ash Wednesday mass tonight, his first, we will see how that goes. He isn't a big fan of church right now, we usually end up in the cry room! I think that is all for now, here are some new pictures. Hope you all are well!


The Glass Family.


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