Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Friday

TGIF! Kaden and I have been rather lazy today. Kaden got up at 6:00 this morning, I think with all the storms and Ken and Rachel getting ready he couldn't get back to sleep. So we laid around at watch cartoons and played until 10:30 and then both of us took a 2 hour nap! As I type, we just finished lunch and I am still in my PJ's, I just mananged to get Kaden out of his. He is standing at the window looking out and chatting away. I was up with a nasty tooth ache last night, so I am seeing the dentist later this afternoon, man I feel like I can't catch a break! Ken has been at the new store for the last 2 days and it seems to be going well. He says it is very busy but makes the day fly by. He is working at his old store this weekend, he and his old boss had previously switched weekends. Rachel has her last indoor game of the regular season tonight, I think Kaden and I are staying home again, a 8:30 game is too late for him. We looked for a sitter but didn't have any luck. Oh, I wanted to add this funny tid bit, last night Ken was giving Kaden a bath and he went #2 in the water! The funny thing is about 1 out of every 3 times Ken gives him a bath he does that, and knock on wood he has never done it to me!! I am sure he will do it tonight since I said that! We are excited that Mimi is coming to hang out with us tomorrow while Poppie and Aunt Maggie go to the UK game, we love visitors! Hope you all have a great weekend!


The Glass Family

Thursday, February 26, 2009

2 posts in 2 days!!

Can you believe it? I am posting again today! Day 2 of Lent and I have just completed my bible study, read my Black Book, and I am posting again! I even walked away this morning when Ken was asking me to look at something on his Facebook! So far so good! So, last night Kaden went to his first Ash Wednesday Mass. As I have said he usually doesn't care too much for church but he was really good last night. Maybe because he had Poppie, Mimi and Aunt Ashie to entertain him. He did go #2 right before we went up to get our ashes and it immediatley started to smell-they are bad these days! I had to run out really quick and change him. We got back in time for us to get our ashes and he really didn't care too much for his. He had wiped them off before we got home so I gave him some of mine to take a picture which I have attached but you still can't really see his. I have also attached some pictures of him watching his very favorite show, Imagination Movers, on Disney. He will set and watch it and rarely moves. We watch that then go down for a nap. Ken's first day at his new job went well, I think he will really like it. He said the help was really nice and they were busy but it made the night go by quickly. He is working today and Kaden and I are going to go have lunch with him soon, a nice perk! Rachel's 2 soccer teams are getting ready to get into full swing next week. She will soon have practices on Mon. and Wed., games on Tues. and Thurs. and games on Sat. and Sun! She has a Science quiz today that we studied for last night... let's hope she does well as she has FAILED the past 2 tests in that class. She admittedly has been too chatty in that class and the teacher backed that up! She got a C in that class on her mid term so she is going to have to work really hard to get it back up to a B but preferably an A! I think that may be all for today, it's so rainy and gloomy- Kaden and I were hoping to get out and play... hurry Spring!! We hope you are all well!


The Glass Family

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Finally checking in.....

Ok, so I have been told that I need to post more often and since today is Ash Wednesday and starts Lent one of my things I am going to do is to make a point to post more often. I would like to say I will post daily but realistically that won't happen but I am going to give it shot at doing it more often. I am so glad people like reading about what's going on with us. So I am also going to make it a point to do my Bible Study everyday and not let myself get days behind and to read my little black book about the Lenten journey we got at church and to make all this happen I am giving up getting on my Myspace and Facebook pages! I have already found today I have a lot more time to get stuff done during nap time! Ken is giving up Skoal I believe ( I hope!) and Rachel says she is giving up chocolate. We suggested she give up TV and she said there was NO WAY she could do that (hence the point!). So we have been doing great. Ken just left for his first day at his new store. He has moved to the Walgreens on the West side of Frankfort. A busier store and a bit longer of a drive bit the hours there just seem to be a better fit for our family. Please pray that it will go well for him. He hated leaving his co -workers and patients he has became attached for the last 2 years. Kaden is just as jolly as ever, walking and talking all the time. He has a bit of a cold right now, so he has been a but crabby the last few days. He likes to take all of my Tupperware out of the cabinet, arrange them like he wants, and then puts them all back. He can now point to his eye, teeth, and sometimes ear and nose. He gets nose confused with NO! I will say where's your nose and he will say NO NO!! I can't believe it is going to be 18 months next Thursday, he will have a check up next Friday. I can't wait to see how he has grown since 15 months! We are going to Ash Wednesday mass tonight, his first, we will see how that goes. He isn't a big fan of church right now, we usually end up in the cry room! I think that is all for now, here are some new pictures. Hope you all are well!


The Glass Family.


Friday, February 20, 2009


Happy Friday to All,

I just wanted to check in while Kaden was napping. Ken was off yesterday so we ran some errands and took Kaden for a much needed hair cut! He did so good and has fun there! She lets him have a comb and he watches a movie and she just cuts away. They have big slide in there and he climbed up the steps and went down all by himself! At lunch he got a balloon (his first one) he really likes it. We had to bring it home and tie it to his cow so he could play with it. He and I also shared a milkshake Ken took some good pictures on his phone I will have to post. I must say Kaden hogged most of it! He is still walking a lot, I think he is finally getting the hang of it! Rachel found out she made the middle school soccer team yesterday, not too big of a surprise but we are excited! Her games should start in a few weeks. She has 2 indoor games tonight but they are late so Kaden and I will stay home. Ashton is coming out soon to watch Kaden for a bit, I am going to get my first shot and run some more errands. Hope you all have a great weekend, I will post on Monday!


The Glass Family


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More bad weather??


Kaden and I have been walking around the house today. He seems to like walking today. He took off from 2 things today and walked to something else.. that was a first! He seems day to day with it, some days he likes it and other days he screams! He also loves walking on his knees!! As I type I hear the weather man talking about tornado type weather heading this way...hope it is after Rachel's soccer try outs and after Ken gets home. We had a great time at Amber's game the other night, Kaden loved watching the band and of course the cheerleaders! Please say a little prayer for Ken's job, they are changing the schedule around and it seems a little uncertain right now. I am sure it will all work out.  I will start my allergy shots this Friday. Apparently I have to make another appointment with my regular doctor to go over how they will work and possible reactions, as if I didn't already go thru it with the allergist! Hope you all are well and stay safe during these storms!


The Glass Family

PS- I am so excited, my tulip bulbs are starting to pop up! Must mean Spring is coming!! 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Monday

Hello All,

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a love-filled Valentines Day . We had a great weekend. We stayed in and celebrated Valentines Day here. We had heart-shaped pancakes and gave the kids their Valentines Saturday morning. Rachel got a season of a show she likes and Kaden got a new dump truck with blocks. He loves cars and trucks right now. Saturday afternoon Ken, Kaden and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get some bedding stuff to "de-allergen" our bedroom and we came out with one less shoe for Kaden... he must have thrown it somewhere we couldn't find it anywhere! I have to say that with my new medicine and the new bedroom stuff I already feel better. I should start my shots this week. Saturday night Ken cooked me an awesome dinner... I was so impressed! On the menu was cocktail shrimp and stone crab claws, spinach/mandarin salad, Italian salmon, herb roasted new potatoes, and grilled veggies and best of all icecream cake for desert! It was amazing!! Sunday my parents and Maggie came up and we ate lunch then did she shopping. We got Kaden some new shoes that fit correctly so hopefully the walking will pick back up. We are heading to Morehead tonight to see our niece, Amber's Senior Night basketball game. Hope you all are well!


The Glass Family

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Hello all!

Just wanted to send a quick update and tell everyone Happy Valentines Day! Nothing much new with us, I had my allergy tests yesterday to hopefully get rid of all this funk I have going on. So I am allergic to house dust (must need a maid, huh?), dust mites, dogs, horses, and about every kind of tree pollen out there. So basically I will start on some shots, got some new allergy meds, and will continue my nasal steroid and do lots more laundry and vacuuming ... I am off to the dry cleaners now to get our comforter cleaned . He gave me some things to change in our bedroom since that is where most of the dust mites are and I spend most of my time, so hopefully it will all help. We are staying in tonight, Ken is cooking me dinner. So if you don't hear from me for a few days, call the Poison Control!! Just kidding! We gave the kids there Valentines this morning- Rachel got a season the the show Gilmore Girls and Kaden got a new dump truck with blocks he loved it. He was pushing it around going vroom, vroom!  Enjoy the day and have a great weekend!


The Glass Family

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just watching it rain.....

Hi All,

Hope you are all staying in from the wind and rain. Seems like every time I write we have some extreme weather going on. Kaden and I took a quick trip to the mall today for some more walking shoes, he walked so much he broke the shoe strings in his other pair and they were getting a bit tight so we went and got some new ones.  Good thing we did he went from size 4 wide (like his Mama!) to a 5 1/2 wide just since September!  Aunt Ashie went with us and we made a stop at the Cookie Company where he indulged in my diet coke, I will post a picture. He has still be walking about 10-20 steps at a time but not taking off from the couch or anything yet. I hear that will come.  He had fun with Aunt KK last night- I had Bunco and Ken went to that awesome UK game. We haven't been up to much, just waiting for Rachel to get home from school they delayed dismissal today due to the storm, no telling when she'll get home! Aunt DeDe is coming to visit tomorrow so we should have lots of fun! Hope your all well, enjoy some new pictures!


The Glass Family

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hi all!!

What an exciting weekend!! Kaden finally took his first steps!! He apparently just let go and started after Maggie and some of her friends taking about 5 steps and stopping before Ken stopped him because I wasn't there and he knew I would be upset if I missed it. I have trained him well!! He had been taking a step or so and landing on the couch so I am ok with missing it, I was giving a friend a baby shower it could not be helped. But now he is up to about 10-12 steps before he falls on his bottom and starts scooting! Most people have told us in a few days he will be going everywhere and that is when the real fun starts!! Friday, we went to Rachel's indoor game and they finally won and then Ken and I had a date night. It was really nice and Kaden was home safe with Katie. Saturday we had a busy day. We went to Bullitt Co. to see Maggie and her team win their freshman tourney, then I headed to Brandi's shower, then we came back home got Rachel and went to our niece Amber's basketball game, then to dinner with the family. It was really good to see Amber play, we don't get to see her very often. It was cool seeing the #10 team in the state play! Sunday we just enjoyed the weather and played outside all day! I got home from Sunday school and we ate lunch and went outside. Levi ( Kaden's best friend) was outside with his Mommy and Daddy so the boys just played and played. We would walk, play in the grass, the dirt, the wagon and start all over again. When we brought Kaden in for a nap we had to strip him down to a diaper he was that dirty. He had a ball playing in the landscape! Ken and I were able to wash both cars while he napped- it was a great day. We are ready for spring that is for sure! I took a lot of pictures but left my camera at my Mom's so I will have to send them soon. I think that is all for now, hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the weather!


The Glass Family

Thursday, February 5, 2009

More snow??

Hi All,

Yes, we got more snow! We got about 3 inches or so Tuesday night. It is beautiful but I think we are all ready for Spring! Ken and I went to the UK game Tuesday night and it was slow going to and from. We should have stayed home they way they played! :( Rachel was out of school again yesterday, I guess she will be going until July! I think that was day 10 or so.. but she went today.  Kaden is 17 months old today, I can't believe it. He has a variety of new words: bus, please, thank you, yes, no, bath and my personal favorite cracka (for cracker, chip or cookie) that he says every time we open the pantry! He can say about 20 words pretty clear, well pretty clear to me anyway! I have attached some pictures of Kaden's first blanket fort Rachel made for them yesterday! Hope all is well with you all!


The Glass Family

Monday, February 2, 2009

Back to normal... we hope!

Snow- Check
Ice - Check
More snow- check-
No Power- check
Trip to the ER- check
6 days out of school-check
More snow to come?????

Well, as you can see the last several days have been very happening around here! I am thinking the snow started here Monday night and we woke up to about 3.5 inches Tuesday morning. The ice started I guess around noon and had pretty much covered everything by early evening. Ken was scheduled to work at the Berea store and much to my worry headed out there and got a little more than half way only to find out that the store had already lost power and for him to head back home. Wednesday morning we woke up to everything snow and ice covered, what pretty sight... that was until we lost power about 10:15!  We hung around until about 12:30 and headed over to Ken's Mom's in Georgetown who had power and welcomed us in kids, dog, and a freezer full of food. We camped out there until Saturday morning. Our power came back on about 3:00 Friday afternoon, but we wanted the house to warm back up before we came home. Apparently our sewage treatment plant lost power Friday morning as well, moving Midway up on the list. We had previously been told could be up to 2 weeks!!!!!! So, all was well we came back home to a warm house and Ken left Kaden and for work. About and hour or so later Kaden and I were in the kitchen and I noticed he was crunching on something... I finally got his mouth open and discovered a piece of GLASS!!!! I frantically kept trying to get the piece he continued to munch on but could not. I called the pediatrician and they said if I even suspected to swallowed glass to take him to the ER.  Of course, it would be the one day that Ken drives the car that has the car seat in it to work... so he had to close down the pharmacy and come and get us. To Central Baptist we go.... they get us right back and then we wait, and wait and wait. They finally come and get us for a Baby Gram, in essence a Baby X-ray.  Nothing showed up on the x-ray but we were told that glass only shows up 50% of the time anyway.  We finally saw the PA who checked him and told us he would probably pass it and that he probably crunched it up so fine that he would digest it. He was a trooper through the whole thing! He had been fine since then- first trip to the ER down!!  Since then, we have thankfully been pretty uneventful!!! Rachel is out of school again today, I guess some of the schools may not have power yet. Hope you are all safe, warm, and have power! 


The Glass Family