Sunday, March 29, 2009

A lazy, restful weekend!

Hello All,

Sorry it has been so long. I was down and out the first part of last week with a cold and allergies. I barely got off the couch Tuesday, poor Kaden entertained himself. I would catch myself dozing off and wake up to my precious boy driving his cars around my head! Ken was off Wednesday and I was able to rest and felt much better day by day. I guess with everything blooming and since I am pretty much allergic to all that, that was the result! I have to mention Rachel's soccer game Thursday, since they were short players she got to play the entire game in the field (for a goalie that is rare) and she scored 2 goals and had 3 assists! She is now on Spring Break and with her Mom until Wednesday. Friday Kaden and I went to Louisville and visited my old office and Mimi, Poppie, and Maggie- we had a great time. Ken was off yesterday and today and we have done nothing but be lazy, play, and watch basketball AND discuss who we think UK's new coach will be! Man oh man the rumors we hear living so close to Rupp! We did venture out today to help stimulate the economy... Kaden broke my camera and Ken has been dying to buy a new really nice one with a big lens and so we did. We also got a new smaller camera that I have throw in the diaper bag or my purse. We have been having a blast playing with them. Yes, I know I should not have given my 18 month old a camera to play with.... we are learning our lessons. He wasn't happy when he got up and we had 2 new cameras out and we wouldn't let him have them. He threw a fit for a good 30 minutes! Of course we offer him the broken one but he is too smart to fall for that. I can't wait to post some new pictures that we have taken with them. We (or should I say Ken) haven't gotten that far in the directions yet. The boys are upstairs, Kaden is taking a bath and I think that will be a great photo opp! I will try and post lots of new pictures tomorrow from our new toys! Hope all is well with you and yours.


The Glass Family

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