Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting ready to play outside....

Hello All,

I wanted to post real quick before Kaden and I go outside and play. He is currently sitting in the floor taking pictures of himself with my camera! We had a wonderful weekend and I think Kaden had a great time at Mimi and Poppies although Mommy and Daddy really missed him. Let's start with Friday, I took him to get his picture made and he did pretty good for a change. We got pretty restless while I was picking them out but other than that he did well. We even managed to get a few good smiles out of him. I have tons of pictures and will be sending some soon. Friday afternoon Rachel's ankle was still bothering her so she didn't play in her game but we took her to watch and Ken, Kaden and I went and got some fish, went to K-mart and then to Dairy Queen for ice cream. We may have found something Kaden is allergic to, butterscotch . I shared my sundae with him and he got a red rash all over his forehead and that is the only thing he had that he had never had before. It went away after I quit giving it to him. Later that night, I went thru of tub of our late cousin, Thomas's, clothes for Kaden to wear and he fell in love with a pair of shorts and strutted around in them all night, here is a picture. Saturday morning Rachel and I worked the Consignment Sale as planned, we were pretty steady and sold lots of stuff although I think most sold on Friday night. After the sale Ken and Rachel went to watch her team play and I took Kaden to meet my parents and Maggie for lunch. He went home with them from there. I got home and it was so quiet we didn't know what to do. We all just rested up and then went for a baby-free dinner. I think Rachel enjoyed getting all the attention again! We took her to get the movie Twilight that came out that day, we had to go to 2 places to find one and got the next to last copy. We came back home and Ken and I fell asleep on the couch, no little one to take care of and we were out of it! By Sunday morning Rachel's ankle was better and she was ready to play. She had a game and 8:00 AM and then she and I went to Sunday school, came home and did some things around the house until it was time for her last game at 4:00. They won all their games and won the tournament. We then headed to Louisville for the Easter Passion play with Aunt Dede and her friend. We had a great time and the play was wonderful. I was so excited to get Kaden back, I missed him so much I cried when I saw him! He is back happily sitting in my lap playing with the phone and chatting up a storm as I type. We are headed outside when I get some laundry folded. I hope we can stay out awhile , my allergies are awful today :(. Rachel is off soccer today but staying after school to build a fence for a club she is in. She has games Tues. and Thurs. of this week and then off for a week for Spring Break-yay!!! Hope you all had a fun and safe weekend!


The Glass Family

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