Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Pics

Here are some pictures taken with our new cameras-Enjoy!

A lazy, restful weekend!

Hello All,

Sorry it has been so long. I was down and out the first part of last week with a cold and allergies. I barely got off the couch Tuesday, poor Kaden entertained himself. I would catch myself dozing off and wake up to my precious boy driving his cars around my head! Ken was off Wednesday and I was able to rest and felt much better day by day. I guess with everything blooming and since I am pretty much allergic to all that, that was the result! I have to mention Rachel's soccer game Thursday, since they were short players she got to play the entire game in the field (for a goalie that is rare) and she scored 2 goals and had 3 assists! She is now on Spring Break and with her Mom until Wednesday. Friday Kaden and I went to Louisville and visited my old office and Mimi, Poppie, and Maggie- we had a great time. Ken was off yesterday and today and we have done nothing but be lazy, play, and watch basketball AND discuss who we think UK's new coach will be! Man oh man the rumors we hear living so close to Rupp! We did venture out today to help stimulate the economy... Kaden broke my camera and Ken has been dying to buy a new really nice one with a big lens and so we did. We also got a new smaller camera that I have throw in the diaper bag or my purse. We have been having a blast playing with them. Yes, I know I should not have given my 18 month old a camera to play with.... we are learning our lessons. He wasn't happy when he got up and we had 2 new cameras out and we wouldn't let him have them. He threw a fit for a good 30 minutes! Of course we offer him the broken one but he is too smart to fall for that. I can't wait to post some new pictures that we have taken with them. We (or should I say Ken) haven't gotten that far in the directions yet. The boys are upstairs, Kaden is taking a bath and I think that will be a great photo opp! I will try and post lots of new pictures tomorrow from our new toys! Hope all is well with you and yours.


The Glass Family

Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting ready to play outside....

Hello All,

I wanted to post real quick before Kaden and I go outside and play. He is currently sitting in the floor taking pictures of himself with my camera! We had a wonderful weekend and I think Kaden had a great time at Mimi and Poppies although Mommy and Daddy really missed him. Let's start with Friday, I took him to get his picture made and he did pretty good for a change. We got pretty restless while I was picking them out but other than that he did well. We even managed to get a few good smiles out of him. I have tons of pictures and will be sending some soon. Friday afternoon Rachel's ankle was still bothering her so she didn't play in her game but we took her to watch and Ken, Kaden and I went and got some fish, went to K-mart and then to Dairy Queen for ice cream. We may have found something Kaden is allergic to, butterscotch . I shared my sundae with him and he got a red rash all over his forehead and that is the only thing he had that he had never had before. It went away after I quit giving it to him. Later that night, I went thru of tub of our late cousin, Thomas's, clothes for Kaden to wear and he fell in love with a pair of shorts and strutted around in them all night, here is a picture. Saturday morning Rachel and I worked the Consignment Sale as planned, we were pretty steady and sold lots of stuff although I think most sold on Friday night. After the sale Ken and Rachel went to watch her team play and I took Kaden to meet my parents and Maggie for lunch. He went home with them from there. I got home and it was so quiet we didn't know what to do. We all just rested up and then went for a baby-free dinner. I think Rachel enjoyed getting all the attention again! We took her to get the movie Twilight that came out that day, we had to go to 2 places to find one and got the next to last copy. We came back home and Ken and I fell asleep on the couch, no little one to take care of and we were out of it! By Sunday morning Rachel's ankle was better and she was ready to play. She had a game and 8:00 AM and then she and I went to Sunday school, came home and did some things around the house until it was time for her last game at 4:00. They won all their games and won the tournament. We then headed to Louisville for the Easter Passion play with Aunt Dede and her friend. We had a great time and the play was wonderful. I was so excited to get Kaden back, I missed him so much I cried when I saw him! He is back happily sitting in my lap playing with the phone and chatting up a storm as I type. We are headed outside when I get some laundry folded. I hope we can stay out awhile , my allergies are awful today :(. Rachel is off soccer today but staying after school to build a fence for a club she is in. She has games Tues. and Thurs. of this week and then off for a week for Spring Break-yay!!! Hope you all had a fun and safe weekend!


The Glass Family

Friday, March 20, 2009


Hello All-

It's the weekend- yay!! We are slammed busy this weekend. Rachel is playing in the Kick in the Bluegrass tournament, it is a home tournament her club hosts every year to kick off the season. She plays tonight, tomorrow and two games on Sunday. Why it is stretched out like that who knows. She sprained her ankle the other night in her middle school game and did not play last night but she thinks she will be fine to play this weekend, we shall see. We also have the Women's Club sale going on tonight and tomorrow. I got to spend some time with precious baby Bryce yesterday, he is so cute and looks like his Mommy! He has the longest toes I think I have ever seen on a newborn, just like Brandi! Kaden did great with Lisa yesterday, she said he only fussed when she brought him in from outside. I am taking him this afternoon to get his 18 month pictures done, I have never taken him alone hope it goes well! I kept have to reschedule it because of his mouth rash, it is almost gone so maybe it won't show up. Kaden is going to spend Saturday night with Mimi and Poppie while we go to Rachel's games on Sunday and the Easter Passion play in Louisville Sunday night, he can't wait! Hopefully he will sleep better there this time! Happy 22nd Birthday to Aunt Ashton today- she is celebrating with Mickey and Minnie at Disney World today! She is going to find Kaden something from his favorite show Imagination Movers- he will be so excited! Happy and Safe weekend to you all!


The Glass Family

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Bryce is here!

Hi Everyone!

I am happy to report that Brandi had a healthy baby boy last night about 6:00 . Bryce and Brandi are doing good I hear and I am heading to visit them in about an hour. I can't wait to get my hands on that little fellow. Ken's co-worker Lisa is coming to stay with Kaden until Ken gets home, hospitals are no place for a 18 month old especially in Mother/Baby. I took Kaden grocery shopping with me last night, wow I always kick myself afterwards but I had no other choice we were down to very little. Rachel has another middle school game tonight and then a club team tournament this weekend, thank goodness it's at home. I am leaving here soon to help set up for our Women's Club Children's Sale we have going on this weekend. Rachel and I are working a shift Saturday morning. She is able to claim service hours for Beta Club, that way Ken won't have to go help her scoop poop at the Humane Society! Kaden and I played outside for 2 hours yesterday, we are going to have such a blast this summer. He was filthy when we came in, black face and hands dirty clothes. We even shared an ice cream bar while we where out. Here are some pictures from our time outside.


The Glass Family

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Sunny Day!

Hi All,

Just had a quick second to post. Rachel's team won their first game 7-0 and she got to start! I don't think she even touched the ball though. She did get to play in the field as well so that was fun to watch since she usually doesn't get into the field. We had a great time visiting with Aunt Debbi and Aunt Angie, we had a good dinner after the game. She has another game tomorrow night. I am hoping to get it worked out to head to Louisville tomorrow, my best friend Brandi is in labor with her first baby as I write and I can't wait to meet him once he arrives. That is about all I have time for now, Kaden just woke up and I need to go get him so we can go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather! I will try to post some new pictures later.


The Glass Family

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Hello All,

So I am still behind a few days, I was doing so good and then soccer started double time! To pick up from Sunday night's post, we decided not to take Kaden to the doctor yesterday because he was getting better and had been fever free and didn't want to risk him getting sicker being around other sick kiddies. We did though take him this morning for a red pimple like break out around his mouth. He got it last Friday or Saturday and it would get bright red, then go in and we debated on taking him but with lots of staff and such going around we went ahead and called since Ken was off and we had plans to be in Lexington anyway. We were able to get in only because of a cancellation and had to see a doctor we aren't too fond of but at least he got in. He has follictulitis, or in normal words an infection of the hair follicle. He got some antibiotic ointment to put on it. While we were there he checked his cold symptoms and he said it was just an upper respiratory infection. I had my thyroid check up yesterday while Kaden went to lunch with Nannie, Candy, Tammy, Becky and Will. My levels were perfect... yay!! That was my second visit with perfect levels so the meds must be working. I will stay on the same dose and see him in 6 months. He said it could take years for my thyroid to burn out just a wait and see game. We are enjoying this lovely weather and hoping it doesn't go back down to 30 tomorrow like last week. Ken and I washed our windows while Kaden was napping earlier-they were nasty! I don't think they have been washed since Ken bought the house in 2003! We are looking forward to Rachel's first middle school game tonight, she thinks she might start! We hope so, they have 4 other goalkeepers. Aunt Debbi, Aunt Angie, and Courtney and Amber are coming so it should be lots of fun. Here are some pictures from Ken and Kaden playing in their clubhouse earlier. Enjoy this beautiful weather!


The Glass Family

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Sunday night post???

Hi All!

I know it has been a few days, it seems like last week got so busy towards the end. I thought I would post an long update tonight while I had more time. Where to start..... Thursday I think is where I left off. I went to Bowling Green to watch Amber play in the State Tournament. Debbi, Lynne, and Maggie went with me. We dropped Kaden off with my mom on the way down. We had a great time but unfortunately Amber's team lost. They did not have a very good game at all, only scoring 24 points! They played Boone Co. who they had beaten by 20 earlier in the year! But it was fun to take a day trip with great company. Beau went home with Debbi that night and it was very sad but I am happy to report it is working out fine. Debbi and Beau seem to be enjoying each others company. Friday Ken was off and I hit the gym early that morning, still taking the Cardio class and it didn't kick my butt as bad this time! We just hung out during the day, watched the CATS play and went to dinner and shopping with the kids later that evening. We ate at Logans's where Kaden ate salmon, shrimp, and fish! Remember this is the kid who won't touch a carrot or banana! Saturday Ken worked and the kids and I headed to my parents for while until Rachel's game in Louisville. It was their first outside game and it was freezing. She played good but they lost 1-0. Kaden's cough had turned worse by this point and Mom called me a half time and he was running a fever. Earlier that day when I was feeding him lunch he coughed so much he choked and threw up his food on me, a first since baby spit up! Kaden and I headed home early evening to spend time with Ken when he got off. This was Ken's first weekend at his new store and he had to work 24 hours in two days! A lot more than he was used to on a weekend and a lot busier, he is glad it is over! Today, Kaden got up with a really running nose, fever, chest and nasal congestion and diaper rash to boot! I called the pediatrician and the nurse thinks it's viral (surprise, surprise), but we made an appointment to be seen in the morning if he isn't better. He seemed better through out the day but spiked another fever tonight and Ken is upstairs now trying to get him to sleep, we layed him down at 8:30 but he has been up and down. This illness has been the first time Kaden has seemed to want Mommy to hold him, and although I hate he is sick I sure love cuddle time! To make matters worse he smashed his pinkie in the door earlier, we have been telling him that would happen when he plays with doors, hopefully he learned his lesson poor thing. Then Rachel was supposed to be watching him while I cooker dinner and he hit his head on the corner of the coffee table, and has a nice goose egg already- she had left the room! There were foam protectors on the corners but Kaden takes them off-imagine that! Ok I think that was our weekend in a nutshell. And as for this week... sigh.... I hope I am able to write daily but here is what we have going on:
Monday: Kaden appt, Amanda thyroid check, Rachel practice, Ken work until 6
Tuesday: Ken off, Amanda dentist appt, Kaden picture appt, Rachel game
Wednesday: Rachel practice, Ken work night
Thursday: Amanda Women's Club sale, Rachel game, Ken work until 6
Friday: Amanda Women's Club sale, Rachel game, Ken work until 3
Saturday: Amanda and Rachel Women's Club sale, Rachel game, church
Sunday, Rachel game, Sunday school, Rachel game, Easter Play in Louisville

Wooo... here's to a busy week. Hope all is well! I will check in tomorrow!


The Glass Family

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where's the nice weather??

Hi All!

Where did 72 go?? Kaden and I had such a fun day playing outside yesterday! He is going to have love this summer when we can play outside all day. He tends to want to play in the street and the garage of course. Here are some pictures of him, notice the one where I caught him eating mulch. I gave up trying to prevent that, he is a boy, he will do that stuff! I was able to cut back my dead monkey grass while he played. My tulips have popped up and my lillies are about to bloom!! I can't wait! We think we have found a home for Beau, Aunt DeDe offered to take him. Rachel took it really well when Ken told her we were surprised! It will make us all so sad but like I said it is for the best. He will love staying with Debbi, she lives alone and he will have lots of quiet, lazy time, just what he likes best! Kaden and I went to the gym this morning. I took a Cardio class and it kicked my butt!! I thought about midway through it that I forgot to tell the ladies where I would be in case they needed me and sure enough... I went to pick him up and they said he had been really fussy, felt warm and that they couldn't find in the fitness part! Talk about feeling terrible!! They were really nice and I kept apologizing. He did feel warm to me but I got him home and took his temp and he was fine. I think he was tired, he got up earlier than usual. He hasn't been eating very good and has a stuffy nose so he must have a little cold. This weather does it to us all. Although I am happy to report that my allergies have been TONS better! The shots, the meds, and the de-allergen stuff we have done must be working! Tomorrow I am going to Amber's state tourney game and Kaden is staying with Mimi and Poppie- we should all have a great time! GO LADY VIKINGS! Hope all is well with you!


The Glass Family

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A new home for Beau???

Hi All,

I write this post with a mix of emotions, Ken and I have decided it is time for our dog, Beau to find a new home. In the past couple weeks his demeanor towards Kaden has drastically changed. He has always been so loving and easy with Kaden but recently he was become a but aggressive with him. He snapped at him once last week and last night snapped at him and broke the skin on his little face. Kaden is fine and does have a little boo boo, it scared us more than anything. It bleed a little but he has been fine since. Kaden loves him too death and apparently sometimes he just gets too close and too loud for Beau's comfort. He learned how to hug with Beau, he would hug him and we would say AWE! If you notice still when Kaden gives you a hug he says AWE! We just can't take the chance with having 2 kids and hopefully more in the future and with all the kids we have over that Beau could really hurt one of them when they are playing with him. We have talked to the vet and she said it is really common for dogs to act like this once a baby becomes a toddler and and more mobile. It is harder for the dog to get away from the kid and they just react like animals do. We also called the pediatrician and they told us what to clean his cut with to prevent infection. We are hoping Ken's mom will take him or someone that lives alone, with no kids that would like the company. If you happen to know anyone like that please let me know. Rachel doesn't know yet, but she does know what happened. I know she will understand but it will still break her heart. As parents we have to look out for our children's best interest and Ken and I feel like there is no other choice. I would never be able to forgive myself knowing he had snapped twice before if it happened again and could be much worse next time. Please keep us and Beau in your thoughts and prayers as we handle this sad ordeal!


The Glass Family

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Monday again...

Good Morning All,

What a weekend! Friday night Rachel's indoor team won the regular season championship. It was great considering they were playing teams an age group older than them and that they lost their first 3 or so games pretty badly. Ken worked Friday night so Kaden and I went and ate at Captain D's and took Ken some dinner as well. Kaden loves fish!! Saturday we got up and went and had a late breakfast at IHOP and did some shopping in Lexington. Kaden had some Gap gifts cards so we were able to get him a good start on spring/summer clothes. He is getting his 18 Month pictures taken this Friday so we got him some snazzy new out fits to wear. We came home and played outside for a while before coming to to watch the Cats... oh the cats, we should have stayed outside! Want to know how we know Billy G. is catholic????? He gave up coaching for Lent!! HA HA! Mimi got here right after the game started and Kaden was sure glad to see her! Ken and I had a wonderful time at the Silent Auction, a fundraiser for our church's school ( we hope to send Kaden to). I think Kaden and Mimi had a ball while we were gone. Sunday I had Sunday school and then we all went to lunch before Mimi headed back home. Ken and I were so tired from being out late the night before and I think Kaden was tired from the time change, we all took about a 2. 5 hour nap which was so nice! Rachel came home and we had dinner and that was about it. Kaden and I have already been to the gym this morning. I think he liked to nursery again and it was much easier this time to leave him! We may go swimming later tonight depending on Rachel's practice. Ken is working all days this week so we are looking forward to him being home every night. Oh and Amber's team won their region and are headed to State!!! They play Thursday afternoon. I am going with Debbi, Lynne, and Maggie. Hopefully they will win so Ken and Rachel can see them play Friday night. Hope you all had a great weekend!


The Glass Family

Here are some pictures from our night out and Kaden playing outside-ENJOY!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kaden's 18 Month Check Up

Happy Friday All,

Kaden had his 15 month check up this morning, he wasn't too thrilled about it either. He seemed to recognize the place and what all came with it. He didn't like waiting on Dr. Hood to come in, he wasn't happy with her examining him, and most of all he hated the shot! He was screaming before she even gave it to him, he hates to be held down. Dr. Hood says he is doing great, right where he needs to be. She was impressed that he could show her his eye and his teeth and that he had a 20 or so vocabulary! I think he will be a genius but I might be biased! Anyway here are his stats:

Height: 31 " 14% percentile
Weight: 21 lbs 8 oz. 4%
Head Circumference: 47 cm 27%

Ken and I always like to take guesses as to how much we think he will weigh and Ken won today with a guess of 21 lbs 7 oz! I guessed 22 lbs, he seems so heavy to me! He did learn to say "Oh No" today while we were waiting. He dropped his book and his bus and said Oh No, it was so cute!

Ken is working tonight and Rachel is going to her Mom's for the weekend. Kaden and I are staying in tonight and doing laundry and playing. Tomorrow night we are going to a Silent Auction/Dance for our church school. Mimi is staying with Kaden and he can't wait. Ken and I went last year and had a really good time. We go with some friends from our subdivision, its always nice to get out. That is about all we have planned. This will be the last weekend that we don't soccer games so I think we are going to enjoy it! We are rooting on the Lady Vikings (Amber's team) tonight they play for the region championship to go to the state tournament! Hope you all have a great weekend!


The Glass Family

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pics from watching American Idol

He loves American Idol...

The pictures I promised!

Here are some of the pictures from Kaden's photo shoot the other night, ENJOY!

So I skipped a day...

Hi All!

I know, I know I skipped yesterday! We were sooo busy. Ken was off and Rachel had a half day so we stayed on the go. We did in fact join the gym yesterday then we picked up Rachel and went into Lexington for lunch and shopping. We had a great time. I got my allergy shot (which seem to be working), Rachel got some new books, Ken got a new update for our computer and we got Kaden some new Elmo swimming trunks so we can go swimming at the gym. He will be starting Water Baby swimming lessons in April! After we took Rachel to practice Ken, Kaden and I went to Georgetown for more shopping. We had a great day! So we got up this morning and hit the gym, we just got home. Ken and I took it sort of slow since neither of us are in any shape whatsoever! But Kaden seemed to do really well in the nursery. I was able to watch the nursery on a TV in the work out area, he mainly just walked, crawled and scooted around. He played ball with a little boy and another little boy hit him in the head with a ball! Kaden just went on! The ladies said he did great and was just starting to get cranky, it was past nap time! I think it was harder on my than it was on him, and yes, I did cry when we dropped him off. It was the first time we had ever left him in a setting like that. He starting playing and never looked back! Ken had to remind it it was kindergarten! I can't believe he is 18 months old today!!! He has his check up tomorrow at 11, I can't wait to see how much he weighs!
I heard back from my dentist and he said the specialist wants to see me and says surgery is the best option to save my tooth. I will see him on the 17th. We'll see! Well, Kaden is napping and my lunch is done. Hope all is well with you!


The Glass Family

New pics to come later- with the new update I have to go thru a tutorial and I need to eat now!!! Look for them later today/tonight!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Good Afternoon!

Hi All,

Not too much to post today. Ken had to go to work at noon so he, Kaden and went and had breakfast at Cracker Barrel this morning. It was a good time. Kaden loves breakfast he ate everything we put in front of him. He must take after his Daddy! He loves the little cups of coffee creamer- he always plays with them and usually gets one open and drinks it. He was loving it today he added a Mmm after every drink! Ken's work is still going good, they had a record breaking day yesterday with 700 prescriptions! He said there is a lot of sickness going around and lots of late flu cases. We are praying we all stay healthy! Both of the kids have had a little cough the last couple weeks- hope that is all we get. Ken is off tomorrow and our plan is to go and join a gym (althought it's been our plan for a few weeks now!). We both need to work out and they have a nursery for Kaden is stay in, I think it will be good for him to be around other kiddos. Rachel has a half day tomorrow so we are hoping to have enough time to go to Chuck E Cheese or somewhere before she has to get back for soccer practice. I think that is all for now, I am off to make my grocery list as Kaden is taking a late nap! Hope all is well with you and yours!


The Glass Family

PS- Here are some pictures Kaden took while playing with my camera!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Weekend Update

Hi All!

Hope this finds you all well and rested from a good weekend. We had a wonderful weekend on our end. As I wrote Friday, I had my trip to the dentist. I do have an abscess tooth as I suspected but it is on a tooth that has already had a root canal and been re-treated. My dentist is sending the films to a specialist for him to review and I will more than likely go see him and get a procedure called an 'apico' done. Basically they will cut my gum around the tooth, drill into the bone and cut the root of my tooth off and fill it to prevent future infection. Sounds lovely right?! I should hear back around Wednesday he said. So he put me on some antibiotics and gave me some pain medicine although the pain hasn't been too bad. We decided since Kaden took a late nap Friday that we would attempt to take him to Rachel's indoor game... mistake! He was fine when he could run around the field but during the game he wasn't happy! He did get to get out there and kick the soccer ball around, he can already dribble the ball with is feet! I will post some pictures. He even scored a goal!!! Saturday Ken had to work but Mimi, Poppie, and Aunt Maggie came to visit. We had fun with Mimi while Poppie and Maggie went to the UK game. Too bad they couldn't pull it out! We all went to dinner after the game. Sunday, Kaden and I just hang out and played and then ventured out to do some shopping. Last night our friend Russ and his "new friend" and her daughter came out for some pizza. We all had a great time. Russ and Ken moved our bedroom furniture for the first time in 3 years, we really like it! Ken is working tonight and Rachel's practice got canceled because it is so cold so we are planning to stay in and stay warm! Hope you do the same!


The Glass Family