Friday, May 21, 2010

A baby update, a wild child and a trip to Chicago

Hello All,

The Glass family has had yet another busy week! Tuesday was Election Day so school was out and I had an Ob appointment. The plan was for us all 4 to go and Rachel to keep Kaden in the waiting room while Ken and I went back. When they called my name and Ken and I got up to go Kaden of course threw a huge kicking and screaming fit. I was so embarrassed and told the nurse as I was going back I wasn't sure what made me think I should do this all again! LOL Ken stayed back to calm Kaden down and I went on. The nurse had just finished weighing me, getting a urine sample and listening to the baby's heart beat when Ken got back. He hated to miss it so she kindly did it again so he could hear. I don't think that sound ever gets old!! The visit was fine, the heart rate was 150, and I haven't gained any weight... yet! This is week 15 so we find out the sex next visit on June 23rd! We also got a c-section date scheduled for November 3rd!!!
Kaden has been a holy terror this week! It has been terribly challenging for both Ken and I. He screams bloody murder when he doesn't get his way and only does things on his terms!! It's enough that it drove me to tears one day. Maybe he senses all the changes going on around here, who knows. He has also decided he likes to get up with the roosters, the minute daylight hits we hear " Mommy, Daddy!". That is usually anywhere between 5:45-6:60!!! Daddy usually gets up with him since my mornings are still sick. I am so thankful for my extra rest.
Rachel left Wednesday morning for her 8th grade trip to Chicago. This is her first trip away for this long alone. I am sure she had a blast, we haven't talked to her but do know they made it safely and are on their way home now. They are expected back about 10:30 tonight. She will have lots of stories I am sure!
The new store has had a slow week. We are waiting for a plumbing permit for the plumbing to get started. Part of the building did get a new roof. A lot of exciting things are on the agenda for next week, so keep your fingers crossed!


The Glass Family

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We're BACK!!!!

Rachel's Confirmation

It's been quite awhile since I last posted but we have lots of new and exciting things going on that I wanted to start sharing again. First of all, most of you know that Glass Baby #2 is on the way!! We are thrilled and are 14 weeks into our journey. This pregnancy has been a lot different than with Kaden. I have been pretty sick and tired a lot. Things are slowly starting to get better. I have an Ob check up next Tuesday, we should know then when will get to find out the sex. I am thinking mid June.
Another MAJOR excitement for us right now is that we are in the beginning stages of opening our very own pharmacy right here in Midway!!! This a very exciting venture that Ken has been working hard at for almost a year. He has already left Walgreens to devote all his time to get it going. We have had tremendous support from family, friends and the community! We are hoping to be open mid-June.
The kids are good. Rachel is finishing up 8th grade and having a good time. Her school soccer team just ended and her select season has a few more weeks. She is heading on a school trip to Chicago next week, she is looking forward to that. Kaden is 2 1/2 and wild as ever. He has a John Deere tractor he speeds around the yard in and would live outside if he could! These last few days have been rough with the chilly temps, he gets bored and in turn drives Mommy crazy!!
That is a quick update, I promise to keep updating as things progress!


The Glass Family